Thursday, 28 February 2013

Elements of game design: Part 1

Gameplay. What is gameplay? Basically it’s the way that players interact with a game. This involves the pattern defined through the game rules, connection between player and a game, challenges and overcoming them, plot and player's connection with it.

There’s said to be 9 different gameplay styles – Asymmetric, Cooperative, Emergent, Hack and slash, Leveled, Micromanagement, Nonlinear, Passive and Twitch gameplay - each of these attempts to create a unique way to play a game, whether it is through reaction speed or aiding one another. However, as each style is not necessarily limited to a single game genre you have to question the uniqueness of that experience. In the end, no matter what the gameplay style it relies on the playability of the game and how the player reacts and interacts with the interface presented to them – the more repeated an interface, the easier a game will be able to play and understand. In theory anyway. Sometimes this repetition can become drab and boring, even within the same game. I personally know that the due to the over use of a single style in “Borderlands” found myself leaving the game untouched for a few months.

Nowadays, more mainstream games tend to be developed in phases. Initially starting with pitches, prototypes, and the design documents and moving onto full-scale development once the idea is approved and funding received. A team of about 20-100 people, each with various responsibilities, focuses on the full scale development - such as designers, artists, programmers, testers, etc. The games go through development, alpha, and beta stages until finally being released.

Game designers focus on the content and rules of a game, as well as the gameplay, environment, storyline, and characters. The majority of the time, these designs are simply modifications of pre-existing ideas but focusing on upping the graphics and giving a more immersive experience – which arguably isn’t always the case. Different genres within the design process will possibly need to consider alternative things whilst concepting – for example the psychology behind certain aspects in order to create an emotive response from the player, whether it be a characters personality and actions, aspects of a game which may follow a “horror” genre, or the colour palettes used to portray certain themes, emotions and certain game mechanics – for example whether an area is hostile or safe. Then again, with the constant merging of genres within designing video games a lot of these would possibly cross over.

There are multiple designer types for each game, sometimes smaller companies or indie companies relying solely on a single person to do all of it – from lead design work, to game mechanics designer, level and environment designs as well as writing the narrative.

“I had no special training at all; I am completely self taught. I don't fit the mold of a visual arts designer or a graphic designer. I just had a strong concept about what a game designer is. Someone who designs projects to make people happy. That's a game designer's purpose. 
Toru Iwatani” 

What a cunt. In my opinion, being a game designer isn’t any different from other designers – you have a similar process but with a separate outcome. “Don’t fit the mold”. Unique snowflake syndrome much? From what I can tell, design processes in different areas such as graphics are very similar to the process taken for game development and design, just alternative considerations and outcomes are considered and produced.

Personally, when I play games I look for an unnoticeable repetition on quest/mission style, with well panned out levelling. More importantly however, is a good story line, with a large amount of lore behind it. A level of interaction and control over a game, with interesting narrative and engaging dialogue, not to mention a level of beauty to the games appearance.. I’m a super fussy game player I guess.

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