Sunday, 27 April 2014

Creativity is everywhere!

Wikipediea – you know, the most valued and reliable of all resources.. – describes creativity as a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created. The ideas and concepts so conceived can then manifest themselves in any number of ways, but most often, they become something we can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste.”.
It is also said, from Human Motivation, 3rd ED. By Robert E Franken that “in order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective”. This is something that I don’t necessarily agree with – creativity doesn’t have to be something “new” – very seldom do we see anything new anymore, it’s all been done before we just get a refreshing reminder as to its existence being replicated and appreciated. Creativity can be expressed in a whole range of different mediums, and by a whole range of individuals – creatures and humans alike.

Would you deny this elephant the title of “creative” just because it could possibly be simulating what it has been taught? It’s an elephant painting. That’s pretty damn creative if you ask me.
Fundamentally, creativity spawns from the ability to create – not necessarily demonstrating its way in an artistic form.
For example – my brother at university is studying electrical engineering. At first glance, would you say this is an uncreative course? He had to design a working robot, and was designing and developing high tech jet helmets on his placement year at BA Systems. Design and create – essentially, be creative in a functional and practical way. Don’t tell him that – he’ll deny it. Creative courses aren’t real in his eyes. He still can’t draw to save his life.
Game art could be seen to resonate with this somewhat – as artists, we create to entertain and provide a function in other people’s lives – creating and designing the assets or concepts to provide entertainment. Not only this.
But that’s just one side of creativity – it doesn’t necessarily have to have a practical use. The fashion industry strives on impractical outfits and footwear. Since when did heeled shoes become a good idea? Let alone when the heel is a rabbit.

Irregular Choice shoes.. irregular indeed
But still, they are an incredibly creative, impractical design that provide entertainment and adoration for others. They also come in purple with grapes.

In terms of technology hindering or furthering creativity?  I believe it furthers it. My brother would not have been able to create his robot without the technological advances to make it possibly, and those shoes would not have multiple styles if not for technology to create the shape simply.
And 3D printing, this does not necessarily hinder the creative process – if anything it once again enhances the possibilities of expressing and presenting said creativity. An idea can be creative, however the means to express said idea may not be obtainable, or the ability may not be had. Technology helping with creative expression – to some extent, not where it’s programmed to create masterpieces itself – does not mean that expression is any less valid. And I suppose in some way the creation of such a computer programme would be creative in itself…
And cake. Cake is creative.

You’re not coming at anything new. But there’s a creativity behind the flavour combinations to create a taste sensation. It’s neither practical nor necessary. But its cake and it needs no reason.

Cake designs can be super creative as well – not just fancy wedding cakes or cute little cupcakes. It’s not nothing new – the creator didn’t create the sloth or cake itself, she didn’t necessarily have a new take on cake making, as 3d cake sculptures aren’t a new creation, she simply combined the two into one creative outlet. A cake sloth.
This is more creative Imagineering. I don’t question its existence. It’s beautiful.
I also think cake is a good place to finish this post.

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